You can use this area to easily level up your Power skills. Proceed through the main missions until you escape "The Pit" to unlock a small floating safe house. When you are at the top of the building, fall backwards, and repeat climbing the barrels and building again to get 120 Agility XP per second. Leave the Tower, go down the stairs, and look to your left to see two barrels in front of a small building.
Go to the Tower, and sleep until it is night (XP doubles during the night). Level up the "FreeRunning Adept" and "FreeRunning Expert" skill to gain 40 XP per climb. If you want to farm for money, you should stay in a quiet area near a safe zone, as the noise may attract enemies. Use the duplicates to kill enemies, and when the weapon is about to break you can make a new duplicate. Always keep a repaired version of your favorite weapon in the inventory. Note: If you buy the two backpack upgrades, you can carry more weapons and farm much quicker. Sell all the extra duplicated weapons for unlimited money. Repeat this process as many times as desired. While the weapon is in mid-air, open your inventory, and drop the thrown weapon to duplicate it (one thrown and one dropped). Then, equip the your most valuable melee weapon (or buy one from a merchant), and throw it. To have unlimited health, keep duplicating the med kit.įirst, buy the "Melee Throw" skill (Power Level 4 and Stun prerequisites) at the Power Skill menu. Sell unwanted items to get an unlimited amount of money.
Then, invite a player back into your game, and repeat the process again to multiply the drop items. When the host's inventory is large enough, give the invited player your larger inventory, and have him or her leave with the quit option in the pause menu to save the invited player's now larger inventory. Invite a player back into your game, and repeat the process a few more times. Next, have the invited player force close the game to avoid saving his or her inventory. Invite the player back into your game, and have them drop the items you previously dropped for them. This will save the invited player's inventory. Then, have the invited player back out of the game with the quit option in the pause menu. Have the invited player pick up all items you dropped. Drop any items that you want to duplicate.